Baumfolder BAUM20: Ifold Operation Manual User Manual

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Start up procedures

The I-Fold software should start-up automatically when the

machine is turned on. If for any reason it does not start up properly
cycle power to the machine. If the I-Fold software still will not start up
contact your local dealer for support.

Shut down procedures

It is very important to shut down the I-Fold properly before

turning off the machine. Before powering down the machine press the

button to start the power down procedure. A pop up box will

appear asking if you are sure you want to power down. Press OK.
From this point the power down is automatic. Once the screen reads it
is OK to turn off your computer you can shut down the machine.

Cleaning Touch Screen computer

It is very important to shut down the I-Fold computer before

cleaning the computer screen. Use a CRT screen cleaner ONLY on the
interface touch screen.

Warranty Note

WARNING – Damage to the computer screen will occur if

any instrument other than the operator’s finger is used to navigate
the I-Fold screens. NOTE: Warranty on the computer will be void
if this is found to be the case for the computer failure.


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