Technical specification, Ec declaration of conformity, User guide tx2040 transmitter – Audio TX2040 User Manual
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EC Declaration of Conformity.
Déclaration de conformité pour la CEE. EG-Konformitäts-Erklärung. Certificato di conformitá comunitario.
Declaración de Conformidad. EG-Conformiteitsverklaring
AUDIO LIMITED. Audio House, Progress Road High, Wycombe, HP12 4JD, U.K.
declare that these devices / déclarons que ces appareils / erklären, dass die Produkte / declaramos que estos aparatos / dichiaria che questi
apparecchi / verklaren, dat deze toestelen
TX2040 Pocket Transmitter
conform to the essential requirements of the R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC. To demonstrate compliance with these requirements, the following
standards were consulted:
sont conformes aux prescriptions fondamentales dan la Directive R&TTE 1999/5/EC. Pour mettre en pratique dans la règle de l’art les
prescriptions,il a été tenu compte des normes suivantes:
den einschlägigen Anforderungen der R&TTE-Direktive 1999/5/EC entsprechen. Zur sachgemäßen Umsetzung der in den EG-Richtlinien
genannten Anforderungen wurden folgende Norman herangezogen:
complen los requimientos básicos de la normativa de la normativa R&TTE 1999/5/EC. Con il fin de realizar de forma adecuada los
requirimientos referidos en la normativa fueron consaltadas las siguientes normativas:
sono conformi alla normativa R&TTE 1999/5/EC. Per un’appropriato risconto nell’ambito della normativa CEE sono state consultate le
seguenti normative:
evereenkomt met de basiseisen van de EG-Richtlijn 1999/5/EC. Om de eisen, die in de EG-Richtlijnen vermeld zijn, in juiste vorm om te
zetten, zijn van volgende normen gebruik gemaakt:
Article 3.1a: EN 60065:2002 (Safety of Electrical Equipment)
Article 3.1b: EN 301 489-9:2002 (Electromagnetic Compatibility)
Article 3.2: EN 300 422-2:2000 (Radio Parameters)
Conformity assessed via Annex IV using a Technical Construction. File examined by Notified Body 0891, TRL Compliance Services Ltd.
Lee Stone, Technical Director. May 2004
Technical specification
User Guide
TX2040 transmitter
Frequency range
Frequency stability
Better than ETS 300–422
Number of frequencies
32 pre-programmed
Switching bandwidth
Up to 24MHz
Output power
50mW nominal
Gain control range
28dB in 8 steps, plus 2 steps for 600Ω line input
Maximum input level
+8dB gain position 0, 600Ω
Frequency response
50Hz to 18kHz ±1dB
<0.1% at working levels
<0.3% at gain position 7 with
-6dB input in overload
9V (IEC 6LR61) Alkaline
Battery life
Typically 10 hours
89 x 60 x 21mm
Operating temperature range
-20°C to +55°C
Compliant to
R&TTE Directive FCC
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