Baracoda BCM 2604 User Manual
Bcm 2604 full imager, Programming guide

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30 Avenue de l’Amiral Lemonnier - 78160 Marly-Le-Roi
Ph: 718 488 9600 - Fx: 718 488 9601
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BCM 2604 Full imager
© B
aracoda™ - September 200
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Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of
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Specifi cations or version may be subject to change
without notice. The actual specifi cation and version are
based on the product delivered.
Scanning a series of programming bar code labels can
confi gure the scanner.
The scanner must be properly powered before program-
During the programming mode, the scanner will ack-
nowledge a good and valid reading with a short beep. It
will give long beeps for either an invalid or bad reading.
Programming Guide
Document Outline
- Programming guide_BCM2604 F_Final.pdf
- Reset all parameters
- Output
- Symbologies
- Reset all parameters
- All Symbologies On and Off
- Message Length Description
- Codabar
- Code 39
- Interleaved 2 of 5
- Code 93
- Code 2 of 5
- IATA Code 2 of 5
- Matrix 2 of 5
- Code 11
- Code 128
- Telepen
- EAN/JAN-13
- Plessey Code
- PosiCode
- Trioptic Code
- Codablock F
- Code 16K
- Code 49
- PDF417
- EAN~UCC Composite Codes
- TCIF Linked Code 39 (TLC39)
- Postnet
- Planet Code
- British Post
- Canadian Post
- Kix (Netherlands) Post
- Australian Post
- Japanese Post
- China Post
- Korea Post
- QR Code
- Data Matrix
- MaxiCode
- Aztec Code
- Aztec Runes
- Appendix A: Symbololy Chart
- Appendix B: ASCII Conversion Chart
- Appendix C: Code Page Mapping of Printed Bar Codes
- Appendix D: Sample Symbols
- APPENDIX E : Programming Chart