Locating your contents on the drive, Manual search, Thumbnail support for media files – Western Digital WD TV Live/Live Plus Media Player User Manual User Manual

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WD TV Live/Live Plus HD Media Players

User Manual


Locating Your Contents on the Drive

There are two ways of locating a particular media file depending on whether or not
the media library compilation function is enabled.

Manual Search

You can manually search for a media file by navigating to the specific media section
and browsing through the available file folders. This method is recommended if there
are only a limited number of files to search through. Otherwise, it is better to enable
the media library compilation and use the built-in Search function.

Use the navigation buttons to move around a particular folder; press

to move

between folders.

Thumbnail support for media files

Your media player supports thumbnails in two ways - embedded or external (some
file formats do not support embedded thumbnails).

Embedded thumbnails are images that are part of the media file itself. File formats
that support embedded thumbnails:

Music - MP3 and WMA

Photo - JPEG

Video - MP4

To add an external thumbnail:

1. Select a JPEG, GIF, or PNG image file that you want to display as a thumbnail of

the music or video file.

2. Save the file in the same location as the file it will represent, according to the

following guidelines: