Slideshow sequence, Photo scaling, Transition effect – Western Digital WD TV Live/Live Plus Media Player User Manual User Manual

Page 137: Interval time, Music, Music sequence, Audio track display

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WD TV Live/Live Plus HD Media Players

User Manual


Slideshow Sequence

Use this menu to set the slideshow sequence mode. The default setting is



See “Repeating and/or Shuffling a Slideshow” on page 64 for a description of these
slideshow sequence modes.

Photo Scaling

Use this menu to define how pictures are scaled when you view them. This also
applies when pictures are viewed in a slideshow. Options include:


Keep as original – Maintains the original resolution of the image (default).


Fit to screen – Fills as much of the display area as possible while maintaining

correct image proportions.


Display in full screen– Fills the display area with the image (this can lead to

image distortion).

Transition Effect

Use this menu to select the method used to display the next slide in a slideshow.
The default setting is Normal.

Interval Time

Use this menu to set the time interval between pictures in the slideshow. You can
select from 3 seconds (default) to 5 minutes.


Use the menus on the Music settings category to configure the display and
sequence option for audio files.

Music sequence

Use this menu to select the audio playback mode. The default setting is


. Go

to “To set the music repeat mode:” on page 54 for a description of these audio
playback modes.

Audio track display