Billion Electric Company BiGuard 50G User Manual

Page 180

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Received Aggressive
mode second ISAKP

Received the second message of aggressive mode.
Done to exchange proposal and key values.

Send Quick mode initial

Sending the first message of quick mode (Phase II).
Done to exchange proposal and key values (IPSec).

Received Quick mode
initial message

Received the first message of quick mode (Phase II).
Done to exchange proposal and key values (IPSec).

Send Quick mode first
response message

Sending the first response message of quick mode
(Phase II). Done to exchange proposal and key values

Received Quick mode first
response message

Received the first response message of quick mode
(Phase II). Done to exchange proposal and key values

Send Quick mode second

Sending the second message of quick mode (Phase II).

Received Quick mode
second message

Received the second message of quick mode (Phase


Indicates IKE packet.

ISAKMP Information

Indicates Information packet.

ISAKMP Quick Mode

Indicates quick mode packet.

Rejected IKE Messages

NO PROPOSAL CHOSEN: No acceptable Oakley Transform

NO PROPOSAL CHOSEN: No acceptable Proposal in IPsec SA

NO PROPOSAL CHOSEN: PFS is required in Quick Initial SA.

NO PROPOSAL CHOSEN: PFS is not required in Quick Initial SA.

NO PROPOSAL CHOSEN: Initial Aggressive Mode message from [IP Address] but no
connection has been configured