Dehydrating apples, Making shoestring potatoes – Victorio VKP1011 Apple Peeler User Manual
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Dehydrating Apples
Dehydrating apples not only allows you to preserve apples for future use, but they
make a nutritious, sweet snack. With your Victorio Apple Peeler the most difficult
step will be deciding which type of apple to use.
1. Choose firm, unblemished apples.
2. In a bowl, mix two quarts of cool water with one cup of lemon juice. This
mixture will be used for dipping the slices to prevent the apples from brown-
3. Slice/core/peel apples (peeling the apples are optional). Using a paring knife,
slice down opposite sides of the apple to make uniform slices.
4. Place slices in the water mixture until all apples have been sliced.
5. Lay slices evenly, without touching one another, on the trays of your Victorio
Electric Food Dehydrator. Optional: Sprinkle slices with cinnamon.
6. Allow apples to dehydrate until approximately 20% moisture remains. The
slices will remain pliable, but will not be sticky.
7. Enjoy!
Making Shoestring Potatoes
The first step to restaurant-style hash browns is cutting them to shoestring thick-
ness. No more scrubbing potatoes and knuckles across the graters. The Victorio
Peeler makes cutting shoestring potatoes almost effortless.
1. Remove the coring/slicing blade from the path of the shaft.
2. Adjust the peeling blade as far toward the potato as possible so that it cuts deep
into the potato.
3. Turn handle and peel the potato with the deep cut.
4. When the full length of the potato has been peeled, lock back the peeling arm,
pull back the peeling shaft, and then release the peeling arm.
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until the peeling blade will no longer clear the 3-prong fork.