Traditions Side Lock Percussion - Flintlock User Manual
Page 22

Note: Given that sabots are inserted dry, it is advised that the bore of the barrel
be cleaned between shots with a WonderLube treated cleaning patch and that the
rifling in the barrel be left with a moderate coating of lubricant for ease of loading
and optimum accuracy. Do not use patches with sabots.
CAUTION: It is very important that the projectile be of the correct caliber and fit.
The fit must be snug and require moderate pressure to seat on top of the powder.
A loose fit could cause the projectile to separate from the powder charge, partic-
ularly if the gun is subjected to any jarring or sharp movement.
I. Marking the ramrod to indicate a loaded barrel:
1. With powder and projectile properly and firmly loaded into the bar-
rel, insert the ramrod into the barrel and mark it at the point where
the ramrod exits the muzzle. In the future, this mark will serve to
indicate that the barrel is loaded. Be sure that each time you mea-
sure, the ramrod has the same accessory tip attached, if any.
Note: You should now have two marks on your ramrod. One to indicate that the
barrel is unloaded and one to indicate when the barrel is loaded. These are very
important reference marks that will prove valuable in the future.
J. Capping
(priming) and cocking:
Percussion models: With the gun pointed in a safe direction,
upward and down range, move the hammer to the half-cock posi-
tion and place a percussion cap of the proper size on the nipple.
Flintlock models: Tilt frizzen (striker) forward to expose the pan
and fill the pan with 4f powder. Close the frizzen.
With the gun pointed in the same safe direction, movethe hammer
to the full-cock position.
CAUTION: The gun is now ready to fire! Any pressure applied to the trigger will fire
the gun. Be sure to always point the gun in a safe direction. Proceed cautiously!
K. Take careful aim. Fire!
L. After firing,
Wait at least one minute before reloading to ensure that no spark or
smoldering ember remains in the barrel that could possibly ignite
fresh powder.
M. Misfire - Percussion models
(when the powder charge, does not ignite.)
If this occurs:
Keep the barrel pointed upward and toward your target. Wait at least
one minute. By doing so, this will make sure you are prepared for the
chance of delayed ignition, also called “hangfire”.