Bushnell 119907 User Manual
Page 11

Setup Guide (cont.)
01 Hrs
(6) SELECT SOUND (119907/119937 only): When the LCD shows SOUND, press the
ENtER key to select from the list of 8 different game calls (note that the game call module
must be installed for the sound to be audible-see “Attaching the Game Call Module” near
the end of this manual). Press the Up or Down button to find the desired game call, then
press the ENtER button to confirm the call selection. See “Using the trail Scout” towards
the back of this manual for a detailed description of each call. Select “OFF” if you wish to
keep the game call module attached but silent. From Select Game Call SOUND, press the
Down button to set the Game Call interval.
(7) SET GAME CALL INTERVAL (119907/119937 only): When the LCD shows CALL,
press the ENtER key to set the interval at which your selected game call will be sounded,
from 1 to 24 hours between each call. Press the Up or Down button to change the hour
interval setting. From Set CALL, press the Down button to set the Still Photo Mode.
(8) SET STILL PHOTO MODE (all models): When the LCD shows PHOtO, press the
ENtER key to set the Still Photo mode. Press Up or Down button to select Single (only one
photo will be taken per event trigger) or Mutiple (a series of three photos will be taken per
event trigger), then press ENtER to confirm your selection. This is the last user option in
the Setup Menu. From Set StiLL PHOtO MODE, press the Down button if you wish to
begin again with the first item in the Setup Menu, SEt DAtE. Or, if you are finished with
the Setup process and are ready to start using your trail Scout, simply change K1 to the ON
(UP) position and the unit will be operating after a 2 minute delay.
Trail Scout 2008 Models 119835+111 11
3/4/08 12:05:28 AM