Stripping and refinishing instructions – Therma-Tru Doors Maintenance User Manual
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Stripping and Refinishing Instructions
Use a brass wire brush, nylon bristle brush or grade 000 steel wool for easier removal of paint
and stain from the wood grain texture.
3. Apply stripper to the rest of the door. Work on small areas at a time. Follow the paint stripper
manufacturer’s directions and cautions for correct use of the paint stripper.
4. Wash off remaining stripper. After the stain or paint has been removed, scrub the door with an
all-purpose cleaner to completely remove any stripper residue. Rinse well and wipe dry.
Make sure door is completely clean and dry before refinishing.
1. Choose a standard paint stripper. Paint or stain and topcoat can be removed with most methylene
chloride-based strippers, such as:
• Savogran SuperStrip
• Dad’s Easy Stripper
• Kutzit
• 3M Safest Strip®
NOTE: Some products may warn, Not For Use on Fiberglass.
However, these products can be used safely on fiberglass doors.
2. Apply stripper to doorlite frames first and raised panel inserts second (see illustration). Remove
the stripper within 2-3 minutes. These components have a factory-applied primer which may be
removed with long exposure to paint strippers. Follow the paint stripper manufacturer’s
directions and cautions for use of the paint stripper.
3M is a registered trademark of Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Co.; Dad’s and Dad’s Easy Spray are
trademarks of Sansher Corp.; Savogran and SuperStrip are registered trademarks oh the Savogran Company.