Door system maintenance – Therma-Tru Doors Maintenance User Manual
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Door System Maintenance
All Therma-Tru door systems and associated components should be inspected and checked at least once a year
for the following conditions: fading of door finishes, weatherstrip seal inadequacies, door bottom gasket or sill
gasket wear, and vinyl threshold or oak riser splitting or cracking. Upon inspection if any of these components
fail to function, they should be repaired or replaced as follows.
- Door Finishes
Clearcoats and Stains
All exterior finishes are affected by exposure and weathering from the sun, moisture and air pollutants. A
simple application of a maintenance coat of topcoat will renew the protection over the stained surface on
Classic-Craft and Fiber-Classic door slabs. Before topcoat fails, reapply fresh topcoat. Clean first with a
household detergent and water. Rinse and let dry. Reapply the topcoat approximately every 3-5 years or when
gloss fades. Fading will vary.
HINT: Pull out and compare the sample that was finished when door was new to the door periodically. When
compared to the sample, if the door seems rough or has lost its gloss, you need to re-topcoat your door.
Paint on Classic-Craft or Fiber-Classic Doors
For fading, cracking, splitting, etc., of painted Classic-Craft or Fiber-Classic doors, stripping and refinishing
may be required. Refer to SITE 3 for proper instructions on stripping and refinishing door slabs.
Paint on Smooth-Star or Steel Doors
For cracking, splitting or deteriorating paint finishes on steel doors, lightly sand surface of door and touch up
to match overall finish.
Special Note for Outswing Door Systems
Swing-out doors must have all edges - sides, top and bottom - finished. Inspect and maintain these edges regu-
larly as all other surfaces.
Refer to SITE 2 Finishing Instructions of the Product Manual for more details.
If the weatherstripping fails to perform (i.e., not sealing the door system properly, cracking, tearing, etc.) the
weatherstrip needs to be replaced. Remove the existing weatherstripping and replace. Refer to SITE 5 Weath-
erstrip Replacement for proper installation of replacement weatherstrip.
- Door Bottom and Sill Gaskets
If the door bottom gasket fails to perform (i.e., splitting, cracking, pulling away from door slab, etc.), the door
bottom needs to be replaced with a new door bottom. See SHOP 3 for proper door bottom installation.
If the sill gaskets on outswing sills fails to perform (i.e., splitting, cracking, etc.), the sill gasket needs to be
replaced. Pull the existing gasket and replace the gasketing for proper functioning of the sill.
-Risers for Adjustable Sills
If the riser for an adjustable sill fails to perform (i.e., splitting, cracking, etc.), the riser needs to be replaced.
Remove the existing riser and replace. Refer to SITE 5 for proper riser selection and replacement installation.