TapeTech 18TT Utility Box User Manual
4” utility box, Operation, Maintenance

The 4" Utility Box is used in conjunction with the Utility Box Xtender
Handle to apply the finish coat over corner bead sides.
Mud Consistency: Should be about the same as compound used in a Flat
Box Finisher.
Connect the 4" Utility Box to the Utility Box Xtender Handle by sliding the
Utility Box onto the handle and tightening the two wing nuts.
Load the Utility Box through the opening under the blade, using the box
adapter on the pump with the slot adapter inserted in the opening.
4” Utility Box
To apply the compound, draw the Utility Box along one side of the corner bead while applying pressure with the handle.
This dispenses compound through the opening at a steady rate. The tool is always operated with the wheels leading and
the blade trailing. The handle should lead the Utility Box, except at the end of the corner bead.
The pre-crowned blade trowels the compound with the precise crown needed.
Before starting to run any joint, lock the Xtender Handle at a slight angle by squeezing the handle grip with one hand.
Your other hand should grip the handle near the Utility Box.
Place the Utility Box at one end of the corner bead and apply pressure with the handle to start the compound flowing.
Release the handgrip to unlock the handle and allow it to find its own natural position on the corner bead. Draw the tool
along the corner bead, leading with the handle and applying pressure to distribute the joint compound onto the wallboard
and corner bead surface.
Near the middle of the joint, lock the handle and by gradually decreasing pressure, remove the Utility Box from the corner
bead surface with a sweeping motion.
Reverse positions and begin again at the other end of the corner bead. Again draw the Utility Box along until you reach
the previous stopping point. Lock the Xtender Handle and remove the Utility Box from the surface with a sweeping
motion neatly joining the two finished sections.
Clean thoroughly with brush and water (or water hose) to remove all joint compound from the tool. Then, after the tool is
clean, lightly oil with Ames Bazooka
4” Utility Box
© 2002 Ames Taping Tool Systems Inc.