TapeTech 03TT Mini Automatic Taper User Manual
Mini automatic taper, Operation, Operation and maintenance guide

Mini Automatic Taper
Operation and Maintenance Guide
“How Professionals Finish The Job”
Revised 10.08
©2008 TapeTech Tool Co, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Mini automatic taper
The mini automatic taper simultaneously applies tape
and joint compound to any joint: walls, corners, and
ceilings. It automatically dispenses the correct amount
of joint compound under the tape, regardless of the tool
user’s speed.
The m i n i automatic taper uses tape 2 1/16 to 2 1/8 inches (52-50mm) wide. Wider tape will not fit and narrower tape
will have a tendency to jam. Install the tape by removing the tape bail (retaining wire) and placing the roll of tape on the
spindle with the tape unwinding clockwise as you look at the roll. Feed the tape through the tape guide with the back side
of the tape facing down. When correctly installed, the tape will curl over the drive wheel.
Fill the m i n i automatic taper with joint compound using the loading EasyClean® Pump and the gooseneck assembly.
Be sure that the gate control lever is in the closed position. Place the automatic taper on the gooseneck with the filler
attachment firmly seated against the nylon seal and move the EasyClean® Pump handle to transfer joint compound
from the pail to the m i n i automatic taper. Keep the mud pail full to avoid air being pumped into the taper. To avoid
overfilling, place your fingers in the open end of the tube while filling. Stop pumping when the piston reaches your fingers
(approximately 5 pumps when empty.) After loading the m i n i automatic taper, stand it on end and move the gate valve
control lever to engage the drive mechanism. Now turn the key, located on the drive gear sprocket, until the joint
compound covers the leading edge of the joint tape. This is necessary after each loading.
The automatic taper should be held with one hand on the control tube and the other hand at the bottom of the mud tube.
Start taping with butt joints first and then sidewall and ceiling flat joints. For ceilings, use both drive wheels for the
first 4 - 6 inches (100-150mm) of tape to secure it to the ceiling, then tilt the automatic taper toward you at a slight
angle leaving only one drive wheel on the drywall surface. Walk backwards, leading with the head of the tool.
To tape vertical joints, place the taper at the bottom of the joint, parallel to and slightly above the floor. Lead with the
head of the taper, as soon as possible to make tracking easier. Remember to roll with only one wheel in contact with
the wall until about 3 inches (75mm) from the top. Stop completely, cut the tape, by pulling the control tube toward
you, and roll to the end of the joint on both wheels. To start the next joint, move the drive wheels lightly against the
surface of the wall, starting the compound flow while advancing a new end of the tape with the control tube.
To tape horizontal joints, advance the joint compound and about 1 1/2 inches (40mm) of tape by pushing forward on the
control tube while rolling the drive wheels on the wall. Place drive wheels on the wall and roll along the joint. Stop about
2 1/2 inches (60mm) from the end of the joint and cut the tape. Roll out the last 2 1/2 inches (60mm) of tape while feeding
tape with the control tube. This will apply compound to the beginning of the tape for the next joint.
To tape inside angle joints, both wheels must run in contact with the adjacent wall surfaces, bisecting the angle with the
automatic taper. Tracking must be in a straight line with the creaser wheel extended, using the trigger located near the
trailing end of the automatic taper. The extended creaser wheel secures the tape to the angle and eases the rolling opera-
tion. Avoid twisting the taper as you move along the angle to insure that you bisect the angle correctly. Operating the taper
at a 45 degree angle to the joint, as soon as it is practical, will aid in the prevention of the tape “creeping”.