S&S Cycle Sealed Air Cleaner User Manual
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New motorcycles sold in California are required to meet evaporative hydrocarbon (HC) emissions standards established by the California Air Resource
Board (CARB). Evaporative HC emissions are simply the result of gasoline that has evaporated and leaked into the atmosphere and one source of
evaporative HC is the fuel found in the carburetor. To help meet CARB requirements the new S&S Sealed Air Cleaner (SAC) was developed to close
off the carburetor when the motorcycle is shut off to reduce the evaporative HC emissions from the motorcycle. When the starter button is pressed
the SAC will reopen to allow air to flow freely into the engine. The SAC will help meet the evaporative hydrocarbon emission levels mandated by the
CARB and maintain the same level of engine performance that customers have come to expect from S&S.
The S&S® Sealed Air Cleaner Kit is for S&S Super E & G carbureted emissions engines that are to be sold in California, USA. The SAC is only part of an
emissions compliant motor and other components and specs are required to meet the standards of the CARB.
Gasoline is highly flammable, explosive under certain conditions, and the fumes toxic when inhaled. Be sure gasoline petcock is OFF
before beginning installation, provide adequate ventilation, and disconnect battery ground cable to avoid sparks and accidental
engagement of electric starter.
Improperly mounted carburetor may become detached from motorcycle, resulting in immediate health and fire hazard.
Improperly tightened bolts, screws, etc. located inside air cleaner assembly may fall into engine, causing extensive damage not covered
under warranty. S&S recommends applying Loctite® 242 or equivalent thread locking compound to threads of all bolts, screws, and nuts
located inside air cleaner assembly.
It is the owner’s responsibility to determine if the installation of this air cleaner assembly is in accordance with applicable legal and
emissions requirements.
Pressure relief passages in crankcase and/or cylinder heads must not be plugged as gasket failure and oil leakage may result.
Air cleaner assembly must be firmly supported. Brackets for the SAC kit are included in each kit according to a specific engine size.
Adjustable brackets 16-0471, 106-2053 and bracket 106-3506 attach to the center case bolt and lower carb-manifold bolt.
Kits may contain wire ties or metal clamps for securing vent hoses depending on application.
1- Check that these items are in each kit; Assembled SAC; Hardware Packet; Deutsch® Connector Packet.
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