S&S Cycle Replacement Engines Emission-Related User Manual
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S&S Replacement Engines are legal for use in all 50-States as replacement engines in 1970-1998 Harley-Davidson® motorcycles originally equipped
with a carbureted, non-catalyst, big twin engine.
In order to meet California Smog Check Program requirements, a manufacturer’s identification/tuning label must be permanently affixed to the
vehicle in a clearly visible location. This label is included with each S&S Replacement Engine and must be applied to a non-removable part of the
chassis such as a frame tube.
This label is required to aid in passing the California Smog Check program.
Use the following guidelines to install label:
1- Remove any oil or grease from the application site.
2- Clean area with an all-purpose liquid cleanser and dry with a clean cloth.
3- Remove the adhesive backing and carefully apply the label.
4- Working from the center, force any trapped air out past the edges.
• S&S Replacement Engines are supplied with a special carbon impregnated air filter element to prevent fuel vapor from entering the atmosphere
while the engine is shut off and must be used. Filter service requirements are described in the S&S Replacement Engine Owner’s Manual.
• The motorcycle must be equipped with the original Harley-Davidson® evaporative canister and the evaporative system hose routing must
conform to the “Evaporative Hose Routing Diagram” provided in this manual.
• The stock OEM Harley-Davidson® exhaust system or equivalent must be used.
Installation Notes
S&S® Engines may include instruction sheets for individual components. Most instructions apply to all S&S Engines. In the following
instances, however, components or procedures supplied with and described for S&S Replacement Engines are different from those for other
S&S Engines.
Some S&S Engines may be configured to allow crankcase pressure to exit via the crankcase and/or cylinder head vents. S&S Replacement Engines must
only utilize cylinder head venting.
The camshaft supplied in S&S Replacement Engines is of proprietary S&S design. This camshaft has been designed to allow the engine to meet
exhaust emission standards. Substitution of a camshaft with different specifications is not permitted and would be in violation of the Clean Air Act
and California State Law.
S&S 35/8” bore engines come equipped with an S&S Super Stock® ignition system that is preset at the factory. Breaking the tamper proof seal will void
the warranty on the engine.
The Super Stock ignition system requires the use of a 3 OHM single-fire coil like the S&S coil PN 55-1571.
The carburetor supplied with S&S Replacement Engines is not to be adjusted. For service requirements, contact S&S Cycle Technical Services, 608-627-1497.
The tuning instructions described in S&S Carburetor Instruction PN 51-1012 do not apply to carburetors supplied with S&S Replacement Engines. More specific
information can be found in your S&S Replacement Engine Owners manual.
The carburetors included with S&S Replacement Engines are butterfly type carburetors with a preset idle mixture screw and preset midrange and high
speed jets. The carburetors also feature an accelerator pump and variable fast idle device for improved throttle response, engine starting, and warm
ups. The Super E carburetor has a 17/8" (47.6mm) bore at the butterfly and a 19/16" (39.6mm) venturi.
Installation Instructions
This S&S Replacement Engine has been manufactured, assembled, and calibrated by S&S Cycle, Inc. Before proceeding, verify that this engine fulfills
the requirements for your motorcycle. Installing an S&S engine into a motorcycle requires specialized knowledge, skills, and tools. For this reason
installation should be performed by a professional mechanic.
Improper installation of engine or related components could result in injury or death to the operator and/or passenger and damage to
the motorcycle.