S&S Cycle 49-State EPA Certified Engine User Manual
Page 7

4- Start screwing spark plugs in by hand. They should screw in easily.
5- Torque spark plugs to 18 to 22 lb-ft (24 to 30 N-m).
Ignition Timing
Timing advances electronically as the engine speed changes.
Ignition Timing Check:
1- With engine not running, connect inductive timing light to front spark plug wire.
2- Loosen timing plug from left side of crankcase where two cylinders meet.
Oil mist will exit timing plug hole when engine is running. It is recommended that a transparent inspection plug (not provided) be
installed prior to starting engine to prevent discomfort and possible injury to eyes.
3- Start engine and reach normal operating temperature. Set engine speed to RPM given in engine specifications.
NOTE: An inductive tachometer, attached to spark plug cable, may be helpful if the motorcycle is not equipped with a tachometer. Tachometers designed
for "wasted spark" ignition systems may read half the actual engine speed.
4- Using dial-back timing light, set the amount of advance specified, found in the engine specifications or on the emission tune-up label for the engine.
5- Illuminate flywheel inside crankcase through transparent timing plug with timing light. The "T:F" mark stamped on the flywheel should be
centered in the plug.
6- Stop engine, remove transparent timing plug and replace metal one supplied with engine.
Ignition Timing Adjustment
Spark Plug Inspection:
If either of the following conditions occurs, further service is required.
1- A spark plug with a black, glossy-wet coating indicates that oil is entering the combustion chamber.
2- A spark plug that is wet with gasoline or has sooty deposits indicates either a faulty ignition or a problem with carburetion.
Spark Plug Installation:
Spark plugs must be screwed in correctly to avoid cross-threading, and tightened adequately to ensure proper heat transfer. Do not over-tighten.
Threads may strip in the aluminum cylinder heads if over-tightened. Repair will not be covered under warranty.
1- Inspect spark plug threads and clean if necessary.
2- Set plug gap 0.040”to 0.045.”
3- Apply anti-seize to threads of spark plugs.
TO BE PERFORMED ONLY BY AN AUTHORIZED SERVICE AGENT. Ignition timing is not to be adjusted. Contact your authorized S&S dealer
if service is required.
NOTE: Engines with Super Stock® ignition come timed from the factory and have a tamper proof seal. Breaking this seal will void the engine warranty.
If the motorcycle will be stored for several months, the carburetor float bowl should be drained to avoid a buildup of gum or varnish. The following
procedure should be used:
1- Fully close the petcock.
2- Place small, open container below float bowl.
3- Unscrew drain plug to allow gasoline to drain into container.
Gasoline is extremely flammable and vapors can be toxic or explosive. Adequate ventilation must be provided and sparks or open flame
avoided when working with gasoline.
4- Reinstall and tighten drain plug.