S&S Cycle Non-Copper Head Gaskets for Harley-Davidson Evolution & Twin Cam 88 Engines User Manual
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NOTE: Light coating of oil on head bolt threads
minimizes friction so torque values will not be
distorted. It cannot be emphasized enough
how important it is to do these steps carefully.
Maintaining a good head gasket seal depends
on it.
G. Bolt heads on cylinders using stock washers
and head bolts or S&S® washers and head
bolts when provided. Tighten head bolts in
stages using crossing pattern shown below.
Use torque specifications appropriate for
crankcase type. Do not exceed specified
torque values.
NOTE: Stock head bolt torque specifications
must be used with stock crankcases. Stronger
material used in S&S crankcases allow the use of
higher torque values.
Improper torquing sequence and head
bolt torque values may cause head gasket
failure. Exceeding specified torque values
may cause cylinder studs to pull out
of crankcases, resulting in damage to
crankcases and loss of head gasket seal.
H. Finish assembling top end per OEM
instructions. Install and adjust pushrods
per factory specifications, or manufacturers
pushrod instructions.
Initial Start Up
A. Run engine approximately one minute at
1250-1750 rpm. DO NOT crack throttle or
subject engine to any loads as head gaskets
are susceptible to failure at this time. During
this time check to see that oil pressure is
normal, that oil is returning to the oil tank,
and that no leaks exist.
B. Shut off engine and thoroughly check for
any leaks or other problems. Let engine cool
to the touch
C. After engine has cooled, start up again and
allow the motor to build some heat. Engine
should be run no longer than three to four
minutes. When the cylinders become warm/
hot to the touch (approximately 150°) shut
the motor down and let it cool to room
temp. Follow the same cautions as for the
initial start-up, and continue to watch for
D. Repeat this procedure 3 or 4 times. With a
new engine, each successive time should
take slightly longer to warm up and you can
increase the temp slightly each time (+10°).
You can be more liberal each time with the
rpm, gently vary rpm continuously from
idle up to 2500 rpm in the final cycle. Do
not allow engine temperature to become
excessive. After the motor has cooled to
room temperature for the final time the
motorcycle can be ridden normally.
E. If the engine is new or newly rebuilt, adhere
to the break-in procedure specified by the
manufacturer of the components installed.
Improper first time engine start-up and
break-in procedure may cause head
gasket failure.
Do not allow engine temperature to
become excessive as permanent engine
damage may result.
Top View Driveside
Head Bolt Torquing Sequence
S&S® Case
Stock Case
Stage 1 8 ft-lbs
7–9 ft-lbs
Stage 2 18 ft-lbs
12–14 ft-lbs
Stage 3 Turn 90˚ more Turn 90˚ more