S&S Cycle Non-Copper Head Gaskets for Harley-Davidson Evolution & Twin Cam 88 Engines User Manual


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Installation Instructions: S&S® Non-Copper Head Gaskets

for Harley-Davidson® Evolution® & Twin Cam 88® Engines




Copyright © 2002, 2006, 2013

by S&S® Cycle, Inc.

All rights reserved.

Printed in the U.S.A.

NOTE: Cleaning parts prior to and during
assembly and keeping parts clean after final
assembly are imperative to minimize con-
taminants that may circulate in oil and shorten
engine life. Many parts can be cleaned with soap
and water first. Then, reclean all internal parts
and gasket mating surfaces using high quality
solvent that does not leave any harmful resi-
dues. Be sure to read and follow manufacturer’s
instruction label before use. Use brushes and
compressed air to clean all oil passageways of
dirt, filings, etc. whenever possible. During final
assembly, recoat all internal parts with clean
motor oil.


Installer is responsible for ensuring parts

are clean at assembly. Damage caused by

manufacturing chips, dirt and/or other con-

taminants is not covered under warranty.


Some solvents, degreasers and other

chemicals are harmful. Many items are

flammable and present a fire hazard.

Read the manufacturer’s instruction label

for proper use. Use in well ventilated area

and wear protective clothing to avoid in-


Compressed air and particles dislodged

by compressed air are harmful to eyes

and body. Wear protective goggles when

using compressed air and always direct

air stream away from body parts such as

hands and eyes. Never direct compressed

air toward other people.

Top End Assembly Procedure

A. Thoroughly clean all top end parts and

blow dry with compressed air. Use high

grade lacquer thinner on gasket surfaces.

B. Install base gaskets dry. Be sure gaskets

match cylinder base line up dowels and oil

return passageways.

C. Install pistons and rings per instructions, or

S&S® piston instruction sheet 51-1028.

D. Coat piston skirts with engine oil and

install cylinders.

E. Install head gaskets dry with widest

side of metal fire ring against cylinder.

NOTE: S&S 33⁄4" bore head gaskets for 1999-up
big twins require o-rings around the cylinder
head locating dowels similar to stock head
gaskets. S&S 37⁄8", 4" and 41⁄8" bore head gaskets
do not use o-rings around cylinder head locating

NOTE: All S&S cylinder head kits are supplied
with .045" thick head gaskets. This clearance
promotes better combustion chamber
turbulence and flame travel



Insufficient clearance between piston

domes and cylinder heads or piston domes

and valves will cause damage to pistons,

heads and/or valves.

F. Before installing heads, check the threads of

cylinder studs and head bolts by spinning

each head bolt down on its respective

stud to be sure threads are clean and

undamaged. If binding is encountered,

correct before proceeding. Place a drop or

two of oil on threads of each head bolt just
prior to final assembly.