Bunn C User Manual

Page 8

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Page 8


Weak beverage

Dry coffee grounds remain in

the funnel

Brewer is making unusal noises

1. Filter Type

2. Coffee Grind

3. Sprayhead

4. Funnel Loading

5. Water Temperature

1. Funnel Loading

1. Solenoid

2. Plumbing Lines

3. Water Supply



BUNN® paper filters must be used

for proper extraction.

A fine or drip grind must be used

for proper extraction.

A six-hole stainless steel spray-

head must be used for proper


The BUNN® paper filter must be

centered in the funnel and the

bed of ground leveled by gentle


Place an empty funnel on an empty

dispenser beneath the sprayhead.

Initiate a brew cycle and check the

water temperature immediately

below the sprayhead with a ther-

mometer. The reading should not

be less than 195°F (76°C). Adjust

the control thermostat to increase

the water temperature. Replace if


The BUNN® paper filter must be

centered in the funnel and the

bed of grounds leveled by gently


The nut on the solenoid must

be tight or it will vibrate during


Plumbing lines should not resting

on the counter top.

(A) The brewer must be connected

to a cold water line.

(B) Water pressure to the brewer

must not exceed 90 psi (620 kPa).

Install a regulator if necessary to

lower the working pressure to ap-

proximately 50 psi (345 kPa).


41711.1 052009