Safety and occupational health instructions, 7 surrounding area of the machine – Retsch CryoMill Autofill 50l User Manual
Page 16

Safety and occupational health instructions
Remove all sources of fire (naked flame and light, spark producers, matches,
lighters etc.).
Ventilate installation rooms constantly and appropriately.
Clean floor regularly.
Train personnel.
Wear personal protective equipment.
Check oxygen content constantly.
Always carry an oxygen metre.
This list is not complete
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3.7 Surrounding area of the machine
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3.7.1 Rooms
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The room in which the machine is located must:
permit operation without danger to the employees
have a constantly running and appropriate ventilation system
have a level and non-porous floor that is also able to bear the load of the
have safety datasheets on liquid nitrogen visible for all to see
prevent unauthorised access
permit the safe filling of the vessel
permit accessibility to the vessel for inspection, cleaning and maintenance
This list is not complete.
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