File management, Export data to microsoft excel, File management export data to microsoft excel – RaySafe Xi View User Manual
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RaySafe Xi View Manual – Using Xi View
in the Measure menu you find the High bandwidth option. this option is used to view an unfiltered waveform,
for example to see the ripple when measuring on an AMX-4 mobile X-ray unit.
file MAnAGeMent
RaySafe Xi View can save data in xml and csv format. the xml files can be opened by Xi View for viewing or
export to excel. for export of data to other programs than excel, save the data in CSV (comma-separated
values) format.
waveforms can be saved in bMP format.
eXPoRt dAtA to MiCRoSoft eXCel
data can be directly transferred from RaySafe Xi View to Microsoft excel. A control panel regarding connection
and export to excel is located in the top left part of RaySafe Xi View.
1. Start excel and open a file, or press “new book” to create a new file.
2. Select an excel workbook and a worksheet in Xi View. this could be a blank sheet or a template where
specific, pre-defined calculations and report formatting are made. templates should be made by the user
as needed.
3. define a start cell in Xi View. the start cell is chosen by entering a column letter followed by a row number
(e.g. b3), or by pressing “Get active cell” to get the active cell from excel.
4. Start communication with the instrument by clicking the communication button in RaySafe Xi View (also see
“Setup of communication” on page 5), or press Ctrl-t.
5. the following exposures will be transferred into excel. each new exposure will automatically be exported
to a new row. exposures can be viewed both in excel and in Xi View. data cannot be retrieved into excel
without Xi View.
the default start cell number can be edited in the Settings window (menu file – Settings), where you also will
find other settings regarding export to excel.
The comment field is not automatically transferred into an Excel worksheet. Choose Send All
exposures to export the comments to Excel.