Penpower MyInk (iOS/Win) User Manual
Page 38

Chapter 2 Quick Start
After editing your journal, you can export the whole notebook or select
specific pages of the notebook to as Word files so you can copy and paste
your text to the blogs or social networks. Please select the note pages you
want to export and click
or click [File]/[Export]/[Export as a Word file]
in the toolbar menu. Then, click [Browse] to choose the export path and
edit the file’s name. After the export process, the system will open Word
software automatically. Then, you can easily copy and paste the text onto
the blogs or social networks.
If you want to share your illustration on the internet, please select the
page that contains the drawing and click
or [File]/[Export]/[Export as
image file(s)]. Then, click [Browse] to choose the export path. After the
export process, you can find the exported jpg file in the export path.