Safety information – Multiquip SP1E16A User Manual

Page 12

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page 12 — Sp1e16a paVeMeNT SaW • operaTioN MaNual — reV. #0 (04/14/10)

Safety infOrMatiOn

liFTiNg SaFeTy



NeVer allow any person or animal to stand underneath

the equipment while lifting.


Do NoT attempt to lift the saw by the guards, handle

bars or front pointers.



When lifting of the saw is required, use a forklift.


Do NoT lift machine to unnecessary heights.


NeVer lift the equipment while the motor is running.


alWayS use ramps capable of supporting the weight of

the saw and the operator to load and unload the saw.

TraNSporTiNg SaFeTy



alWayS shutdown saw before transporting.


alWayS tie down equipment during transport by

securing the equipment with rope.


Ensure that the diamond blade does not come into contact

with the ground or surface during transportation.


NeVer transport the saw to or from the job site with the

blade mounted.

eNViroNMeNTal SaFeTy



Dispose of hazardous waste properly.

Examples of potentially hazardous waste

are used motor oil, fuel and fuel fi lters.


Do NoT use food or plastic containers to dispose of

hazardous waste.


Do NoT pour waste, oil or fuel directly onto the ground,

down a drain or into any water source.


Metal parts recycling



When the life-cycle of this equipment is over,

it is recommended that the steel frame and

all other metal parts be sent to a recycling



Metal recycling involves the collection of metal from

discarded products and its transformation into raw

materials to use in manufacturing a new product.


Recyclers and manufactures alike promote the process

of recycling metal. Using a metal recycling center

promotes an energy cost savings.

rubber parts recycling



Contact your country's Department of

Public Works or recyling agency in your

area and arrange for proper disposal of

any rubber components associated with

this equipment.