Maintenance – Multiquip MGX-Series User Manual
Page 16

page 16 — MgX SerieS • operaTion and parTS Manual — rev. #0 (03/26/12)
drive MoTor inSpeCTion
1. Visually inspect the motor daily before use for defective
or missing parts, and have repairs made before use.
CarBon BruSH replaCeMenT
1. To gain access to the carbon brushes, remove the body
cover from the motor (see Figure 6).
Figure 6. Carbon Brush Replacement
Screw (4)
Screw (2)
Carbonate) - (2)
Body Cover
Brush Holder
Brush (2)
Screw (2)
2. Remove the screw and washer securing the brush
3. Inspect the brush and replace when they become worn
to a length of 3/8".
viBraTor Head luBriCaTion (300 HourS)
1. Using a wrench, remove vibrator head tip (Figure 7)
from vibrator head body. Have a cloth handy to catch
any spilled oil.
Figure 7. Adding Oil (Vibrator Head)
2. Drain old oil from vibrator head body (casing). Place oil
in a suitable container.
do noT pour oil on the ground.
Vibrator Head
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