Safety information – Multiquip WM45HCE_rev_0 User Manual

Page 9

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WM45HCe pLaSTeR MORTaR MIXeR • OpeRaTIOn and paRTS ManuaL — Rev. #0 (02/04/13) — page 9

safety infOrMatiOn



dO nOT add fuel to equipment if it is placed inside truck

bed with plastic liner. Possibility exists of explosion or

fi re due to static electricity.

dO nOT start the engine near spilled fuel or combustible

fl uids. Fuel is extremely fl ammable and its vapors can

cause an explosion if ignited.

aLWaYS refuel in a well-ventilated area, away from

sparks and open fl ames.

aLWaYS use extreme caution when working with

fl ammable liquids.

dO nOT fi ll the fuel tank while the engine is running

or hot.

dO nOT overfi ll tank, since spilled fuel could ignite if it

comes into contact with hot engine parts or sparks from

the ignition system.

Store fuel in appropriate containers, in well-ventilated

areas and away from sparks and fl ames.

neveR use fuel as a cleaning agent.

dO nOT smoke around or near the

equipment. Fire or explosion could result

from fuel vapors or if fuel is spilled on a

hot engine.





neveR allow any person or animal to stand underneath

the equipment while lifting.


aLWaYS make sure forklift forks are inserted into pockets

(if applicable) as far as possible when lifting the mixer.

aLWaYS shutdown engine before transporting.

neveR lift the equipment while the engine is running.

Tighten fuel tank cap securely and close fuel cock to

prevent fuel from spilling.

dO nOT lift machine to unnecessary heights.

aLWaYS tie down equipment during transport by

securing the equipment with rope.

neveR tip the engine to extreme angles during lifting as

it may cause oil to gravitate into the cylinder head, making

the engine start diffi cult.

envIROnMenTaL SaFeTY


Dispose of hazardous waste properly.

Examples of potentially hazardous waste

are used motor oil, fuel and fuel fi lters.

dO nOT use food or plastic containers to dispose of

hazardous waste.

dO nOT pour waste, oil or fuel directly onto the ground,

down a drain or into any water source.