Meltric LC Batteries User Manual
Page 2

3. Phase contacts: Included with the device are two ferrules for attaching the cable to the contacts.
Make sure these are sized properly for your wire size.
a. Slide both wires through the rubber boot.
b. Affix the cables to the ferrules by solder or by crimping. A crimping tool is recommended.
c. Screw the ferrules into the back of the contact and tighten them to 100 - 115 in lbs.
(11.5 - 13.0 NM)
Ferrule die colors:
4. Earth contact: Crimp or solder the grounding conductor into the ferrule at the rear of the
contact. The contact is then re-inserted into the body of the device and the holding screw put into
place. Tighten to 8 - 10 in lbs. *(Ferrule Crimp Die color: Gray) NOTICE: Do not overtighten
5. Pilot contact: Pilot control circuit must be used on installations of 50vdc or more. Insert the pilot
conductor through the rubber boot. Crimp or solder the conductor into the ferrule at the rear of the
contact. *(Ferrule crimp die color: Red)
6. Slide the phase contacts and the pilot back into the rear of the device and affix with the
appropriate screws. Tighten to 8 - 10 in lbs.
Insert plug into receptacle and use lever arm to complete insertion and to lock plug
into receptacle. Reverse operation to disconnect.
4640 Ironwood Dr.
Franklin, WI 53132
Fax: 414.817.6161