Meade Instruments Polaris Series User Manual

Page 13

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locate an object using the red dot viewfinder

rather than locating with the eyepiece. Line

up the object using the viewfinders red dot.
Look through the eyepiece: Once you have

the object lined up in the viewfinder, look

through the optical tube’s eyepiece. If you

have aligned your viewfinder, you will you see

the object in your eyepiece.
Focus: Look through the eyepiece and

practice focusing on the object you have

Try out the slow-motion flexible cable control:

Practice using the right ascension control

cable (3) and declination control cable (4) to

move the telescope. These can come in very

handy, especially when you wish to move the

telescope in very small (fine control) steps.
Observe the Moon: When you feel comfortable

with the viewfinder, the eyepieces, the locks

and the adjustment controls, you will be ready

to try out the telescope at night. The Moon

is the best object to observe the first time

you go out at night. Pick a night when the

Moon is a crescent. No shadows are seen

during a full Moon, making it appear flat and

Look for different features on the Moon. The

most obvious features are craters. In fact

you can see craters within craters. Some

craters have bright lines about them. These

are called rays and are the result of material

thrown out of the crater when it was struck

by a colliding object. The dark areas on the

Moon are called maria and are composed of

lava from the period when the Moon still had

volcanic activity. You can also see mountain

ranges and fault lines on the Moon.
Use a neutral density filter (often called a

“moon filter”) when observing the Moon.

Neutral density filters are available from

Fig. 9

Looking at or near the

Sun will cause irreversable damage to your eye. Do not point this telescope at or near the Sun. Do not look through the telescope as it is moving.

Meade as an optional accessory and enhance

contrast to improve your observation of lunar

Spend several nights observing the Moon.

Some nights, the Moon is so bright that it

makes other objects in the sky difficult to see.

These are nights that are excellent for lunar

Observe the Solar System: After observing

the Moon, you are ready to step up to the

next level of observation, the planets.

There are four planets that you can easily

observe in your telescope: Venus, Mars,

Jupiter and Saturn.
Nine planets (maybe more!) travel in a fairly