Mayline Security Shade User Manual

Page 3

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7. Remove the Tambour Door Housing from its packaging. Housing
measures 8.25" vertically x 11.50" front to back x width of 4-post.

A. Remove (6) screws from housing top

B. Lift top housing off.

C. Remove internal packaging of housing. Verify door
rotates properly.

D. Replace top and (6) screws.

8. Lift Door housing to the top of the 4-Post Unit. Position the cutouts at the front of the housing
over the protruding track. Slide theTambour slats into the track.

9. Pull the Tambour Door down to verify that the door travels freely. Adjust housing position if


Note: If vertical travel of door it too loose or too tight please see page 6 for trouble

shooting methods.

10. When adjustments have been made and the door moves freely. Lift the rear of the housing

and remove the protective cover from the double sided tape. Set the housing down and firmly

press in place.

Double-sided Tape

on Housing

Tambour Door
