Burnham 20_PV_I User Manual
Page 2

The following terms are used throughout this manual to bring attention to the presence of hazards of various risk
levels, or to important information concerning product life.
Table of Contents
I. Pre-Installation ..................................... 4
II. Unpack Boiler ....................................... 5
III. Water Piping ......................................... 6
IV. Gas Piping ............................................ 8
V. Venting ................................................. 9
VI. Electrical ............................................. 12
VII. System Start-up .................................. 13
VIII. Service Instructions ............................ 20
IX. Repair Parts ........................................ 23
In dic at es a pot ent ia ll y ha za rdo us s itu ati on
which, if not avoide d, could result in death,
serious injury or substantial property damage.
Indi cate s a po tentia lly haz ardous s ituat ion
w hich, if n ot avoi ded, may re sult in
mod erate o r minor in jury or prope rty
damage .
Indi cates spec ial ins tru ctions on
ins tall atio n, ope ra tion, or mai ntenanc e
whi ch are importan t but not re late d to
persona l i njury ha zards .
Indicates an imminently hazardous situation
wh ic h, i f n ot a voi de d, wi ll re sul t i n de at h,
serious injury or substantial property damage.