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Edition 06/2007

• Click on “Close“ to return to the main window.
• The time axis is now marked with an asterisk (*time [ms]). This means that at least one of

the curves has been time-shifted.

• To undo the shifts, return to the “Wizard for Time-shifting of channels“ (see above).
• Click on “Delete“ to undo the shift of the active channel (see name in upper box). Click

on “Delete All“ to remove the time shift on all channels.

• Once you have undone all time shifts the time axis no longer features an asterisk.

• Click on “Close“ to return to the main window.

3.6.4 Add Calculated Channel

• To calculate a channel from one or more measurement channels, click on the “Edit“

dialogue box and select “Add calculated channel“ in the dropdown menu.

• A new window opens for calculating the channel.
• Enter the mathematical formula for the virtual channel in the formula input box at the top.

The formula can be comprised of numbers, measured values, arithmetical operators and
functions. For measured values, use "S1...Sn" in the formula.
Example: 5 * ((S1 + S2) / 2)

• For detailed information on the formula contents and symbols, click on “Help“ located in

the line below on the right. Click on “Help“ again to close the window.

• The unit of the channel being calculated can be entered in the “unit” input box.
• Select the number of decimal places for the measured values displayed (0 .. 8 decimal

places) from the ”Decimal places” box.

• After entering a formula to be calculated, click on “Calculating“ in the line at the bottom

of the window. The computed curve is now inserted.

• This process can be repeated as often as desired.
• After entering all the channels to be calculated and computing them, click on “OK“ to

close the window.

• Clicking on “Cancel“ also closes the window but the calculated channels are removed


• On the right of the screen you will now find the calculated channels. The settings can be

changed here as for any other channel. Calculated channels are always marked with an
asterisk (*)


3.6.5 Add a Filtered Channel

• To remove noise from a measurement, for example, click on the “Edit“ dialogue box and

select “Add a Filtered Channel“ in the dropdown menu.

• A window for filtering the channel opens.
• Clicking on the button next to the channel input box causes a dropdown menu to appear

in which all channels are listed. Select the channel to be filtered.

• Clicking on “Settings“ to open the channel settings window. Click on “OK“ to save any

changes you might have made, or “Cancel to discard them.

• By moving the arrow on the bar “Filter strength” with your mouse the degree of filtering

is changed. Changes can be monitored in the display pane of the graph.

• When the filter setting desired is located, click on “OK“ and the channel is inserted

permanently and can be edited like any other channel. Filtered channels are also always
marked with an asterisk (*).

• Click on “Cancel“ to cancel the action.