H&H Specialties 200 Series Track Installation Instructions User Manual

H&H Specialties Equipment

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H & H Specialties Inc.

200 Series Installation

South El Monte, CA 91733

February 20, 2007

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1. Place track either on the floor or on sawhorses under the
batten to which it will be attached. Make sure the tracks are
overlapped the proper amount, 2'-0" is considered standard.
Stage left track is always placed downstage. If track needs to be
spliced, please refer to the section on splices in "Special

2. Attach track at overlap with 1 set (two 205) overlap clamps
approximately 6" from each end. Install hangers (206) evenly
along the entire run of the track starting adjacent to end pulleys.
Refer to recommended spacing provided. Additional hangers
may be required due to site conditions. If the track is on the
floor, installer may wish to attach the track to the batten and
raise to a comfortable working level. Refer to step 5 for
attachment instructions.

3. Attach end stops (209) to the onstage (center) ends of the
track. From the offstage ends of the track, install one master
carrier (202) into each track. Next, install single carriers (201 or
221) into each track behind the master (1 single carrier per foot
of track).

4. Decide from which end the curtain will be operated. This is
the side that the double end pulley (203) will be attached.
Attach pulley to end of track with chain bracket off to the side.
After attaching the double end pulley, go to the opposite side of
the track and install the single end pulley (204). Make sure that
end pulleys are installed in a manner similar to that indicated on
the plan view detail in attached drawings.

5. Attach the track to the batten with either wire rope, welded
link chain, or pipe clamps. Use attachment method appropriate
to application. When using pipe clamps, a center pipe support
(226) should be used to eliminate twisting through the overlap.
IMPORTANT! Make sure track is parallel to floor before final
attachment. WARNING! After attaching track to batten,
make sure to balance the line set and leave at a comfortable
working level.

6. Attaching a rope clamp to one end of operating line, reeve
the OTHER end of line through the master carrier, single
carriers, and through center sheave of double end pulley. When
using 201 carriers make sure that a rubber bumper is installed
between each carrier when reeving operating line.

7. Reeve line through the floor block (208) or the sand bag
tension pulley (643) and back over the other sheave of the
double end pulley.

8. Next, the line travels toward the single end pulley. Reeve
the line through the end stop & cord support, master carrier,
single carriers, and around the single end pulley. Make sure to

put rope clamps on the operating line when going through the
master carrier. CAUTION! Do not tighten at this time. The
line travels through the other end stop & cord support and
terminates where it started at the first master carrier. Place the
line through the master and attach the rope clamp to the
operating line leaving a small tail.

9. Make sure that all the slack in the line is on the double end
pulley side (side with the floor block). Also make sure that
there is sufficient line remaining to reach the intended finished

10. Slide each of the master carriers to the onstage (center) end
stops. Now tighten each of the clamps on each master carrier.
Raise the track to its desired height. Check to see that the floor
block or sand bag tension pulley is taking the slack out of the
operating line. Operate the track to make sure everything is
running smoothly. If not, go through the entire system and
check to make sure the components are installed properly.

11. The curtain may now be attached to the carriers.
WARNING! After attaching the curtain, the line set must
be balanced. Always use caution when working with an out-
of-balance line set.

12. Raise the curtain and track to the desired height and adjust
the floor tension block until the operating line has no slack in it.
If a sand bag tension pulley is used, make sure the bag is filled
with dry sand (not provided with sand bag) and the bag is
securely attached to the steel housing.


1. Place the track either on the floor or on sawhorses under the
batten to which it will be attached. If track needs to be spliced,
refer to the section on splices in "Special Instructions."

2. Install hangers (206) evenly along the entire run of the track
starting adjacent to end pulleys. Refer to recommended spacing
provided. Additional hangers may be required due to site
conditions. If the track is on the floor, installer may wish to
attach the track to the batten and raise to a comfortable working
level. Refer to step 5 for attachment instructions.

3. Decide from which end the curtain will be operated. This is
the side that the double end pulley (203) will be attached. Do
not attach the pulley to the end of the track at this time. Attach
to the opposite side of the track the single end pulley (204).
Make sure that both end pulleys will be mounted in such a
manner that both of the sheaves are on the same side of the
track. The upstage side is preferred for cosmetic reasons.

4. From the double end pulley side of the track, install a master
carrier (202) into track. Next, install single carriers (201 or 221)