Fulltone True-Path ABY-ST User Manual
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Input: (see #9 on above diagrams) Connect a cable (shielded with ¼” mono plugs) coming from your guitar, bass, or other instrument into this jack. Always use good quality
shielded cables (eg.Fulltone Gold Standards) for audio signals, speaker cables are un-shielded and should not ever be used to connect your instrument.
A-Out: (#12) Connect a cable (shielded with ¼” mono plugs) going to your amplifier. A-Out does not have a transformer on it. It does have a switchable Buffer.
B-Out: (#11) Connect a cable (shielded with ¼” mono plugs) going to your amplifier. B-Out has a 1:1 transformer that is always in the signal path. This transformer is
Fulltone custom-wound designed to reduce shock hazard when running multiple amps. B-Out also has a switchable Buffer. True-Path ABY’s do not have a “Tuner-Out” on its
ABY’s because quite simply they introduce a clicking sound (from the Tuner) to the audio path that we find unacceptable.
A or B footswitch: (see #1) Press this to send the signal to either A-Out or B-Out. When the Yellow L.E.D (#3) is lit, signal only flows to A-Out. When the Green L.E.D (#4) is
lit, signal only flows to B-Out.
Both footswitch: (#2) Press this to have both the signal flow to A-Out and B-Out simultaneously. Can be done whether you are on channel A or channel B.
Channel-A Buffer switch: (#5) Turns ON or OFF a high-quality JFET Buffer circuit affecting only the A-Out. A buffer is helpful because it can drive the longer cable lengths
which you have if you’re using a pedalboard with multiple pedals, multiple pedal connecting cables, and instrument cables with a combined total of 25 or more feet. Without
a buffer you will experience Treble loss as well as overall signal level loss, meaning that your amp won’t respond to your touch like it would plugging the guitar straight in with
just a 10 foot cable. The downside to a buffer is that certain Fuzz pedals do not react well to the buffer’s low-impedance signal. That’s why the buffer feature is defeatable on
the True-Path ABY.
Channel-B Buffer switch: (#6) Turns ON or OFF a second high-quality JFET Buffer circuit affecting only the B-Out. This buffer is also defeatable.
Ground-Lift for B-Out: (#7) The default setting for this switch is “Grounded.” It offers the ability to “lift” the ground on the B-Out although we cannot recommend lifting
grounds for safety and legal reasons. When this switch is set to “lifted,” there can sometimes be less hum in the amp connected to the B-Out.
Phase switch for B-Out: (#8) This switch corrects phase issues between 2 amps. Phase is the relationship between 2 different sound waves, and amps can often be “out of
phase” with each other resulting in weak sound when combining the amps using the Both footswitch. To check phase, position the 2 amps directly in front of you (about 6 or
more feet apart) both equal distance from the wall. Turning the amps on, select the Both switch and start moving the Phase switch from (+) to (-) while letting a chord ring
out. If the bass drops and sound appears to be coming entirely from far left and right with no center content on one switch setting...your amps are “out of phase” and the
Phase switch should be set to the opposite direction. The correct setting for the True-Path Phase switch varies between amps and even between amp channels, for
example Blackface Fenders, so always check the phase relationship between your amps before the gig.
DC Power Port: (#10) You may ONLY run this device on a high-quality regulated 9VDC wallwart (included) or high-quality 9VDC regulated pedalboard powersupply.
The tip must be configured as the (industry-standard) 2.1mm x 5.5mm barrel plug with “Negative to Center Pin” configuration, as per following diagram.
A battery cannot be used because the current draw is far too high and the pedal’s performance is dependent on the unit getting clean, accurate 9.0 volts, hence the need for
a regulated power source. The True-Path ABY has a protective circuit that can withstand short durations of over-voltage but never try and operate this device on 12, 18 or
any other voltage than 9VDC. The Fulltone FPS-1 (included) is a great 9VDC regulated wall wart adapter. As far as pedalboard power supplies, we have always
recommended ours (when available) and the Voodoo Lab products. There are some bad power supplies being sold as “professional product.” If a multi-out power supply is
not advertised as having “discrete” outputs and is not “regulated” then don’t buy it as it will simply offer you noise and may damage many of your pedals in the long run.
Warranty: Fulltone products carry a Limited 5 year Warranty to the original owner with proof of purchase that the product was bought from an Authorized Fulltone Dealer. There is no need to register your product, simply keep a
copy of your original sales receipt. The Warranty covers failure due to manufacturing errors only and is void if any mod or repair is performed by anyone other than Fulltone AND/OR if we deem that any operator-caused abuse or
damage has occurred, for example; the use of an incorrect power supply, a dropped pedal, water damage, etc. Customer is always responsible for all shipping costs both to and from Fulltone. Do not attempt to call Fulltone, instead,
all Repair issues are handled via email to troubleshoot the possible problem and (after troubleshooting) for the scheduling of Warranty Repair. After we have deemed that a repair is necessary, we will email you an Acrobat PDF
copy of our Return Authorization Form (RA Form) and print it out, fill out all information, and include it with the device you are sending. Fulltone Musical Products Inc. is not responsible for and injuries and/or damages related to the
use of our products.
Fulltone Musical Products Inc.
11018 Washington Blvd. Culver City, CA 90232
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