Fulltone FullDrive2-Mosfet User Manual

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Congratulations on your purchase of the
With extended Bottom-end response, the first channel is the Overdrive Mode capable of Clean Boost (Comp-Cut) or more distorted
Overdrives. (“FM“ and “Vintage“ modes) The Tone control is a very effective circuit that can smooth out or enhance upper harmonics, with
12 O'clock being about neutral. There's also a foot-switchable second channel "Boost Mode" Distortion control capable of higher gains with
more singing sustain! This pedal gets its natural sound through the use of Asymmetrical-Clipping, (Standard Mode only) has my proprietary
"Flat Mids" circuit, (FM mode) and also a Symmetrically Clipped MOSFET mode (Metal Oxide Field Effect Transistor) that offers rougher,
stinging Marshall/Ampeg/Fender-style distortions making this one of the most versatile OD/Distortions on the planet.
In jack: Plug cable coming from guitar into this jack....remember to unplug guitar cable when not using the pedal for longer battery-life.
Out jack: Plug a cord from this jack to other effects or to the amplifier.
DC power jack: This unit will work with most guitar effects 9 to 18 Volt DC adapters that offer the standard 2.1mm x 5.5mm Barrel
jack...please note the adapter MUST HAVE the Negative (-) going to the Center pin to operate with this pedal! Most adapters are noisy and
supply poor DC power so choose only a regulated one such as our Fulltone FPS-1. Cool feature! You can leave a battery hooked up inside
your pedal without any draining of its power AS LONG AS you have an adapter plugged in to the DC power jack your battery won’t die.
Battery access: To access the 9 volt battery simply loosen (by hand) and remove the 4 rubber feet/screw and pull the housing apart.
There is no need to over-tighten the 4 screws, just re-install them hand-tight.
ON/OFF switch: This pedal has True-Bypass with LED indicators! when this pedal is Off, it's not loading down your signal like virtually
every mass-produced pedal around! We make the Fulltone 3PDT switch nearly indestructible, with many proven years of service.
Volume knob: Raise or lower this to increase or decrease overall level of both channels.
Tone knob: This affects both channels, Since this pedal stays true to your original sound, I made this a Presence control for rolling-off or
accentuating both the hi-end and the upper Harmonics. Turning this clockwise increases brightness.
Turning counter-clockwise smoothes out sound without changing either the Midrange or the Bass content.
Overdrive Mode: This knob controls the distortion levels for the "Overdrive Mode only (note: the Left-side LED is lit by itself without the
Right-side LED being on). Turning this CW will increase Overdrive and sustain. This channel is voiced for transparency for the purist who's
happy with his/her /Amp tone and just wants to enhance the gain and sustain.
Boost Mode: Actuated by stepping on the "Boost" footswitch located at the lower right, (note: both Left-side and right-side LED's must
be lit) this transforms the pedal into a medium to higher-Gained distortion with a nice midrange growl and lots of sustain. You can control
the amount of distortion. (regardless of where OD knob is set!)
Note: Boost Mode will not operate unless the pedal is turned on with the Left LED lit and the Right LED lit as well
Comp-Cut Mode: this setting (on the mini-toggle switch) accesses the Clean boost mode for both channels! You can get serious clean
volume increase and add slight distortion to this via the Overdrive and Boost knobs...CAUTION! this mode can give a huge gain increase at
higher OD and Boost settings so back-off on the Volume level at first. When "Overdrive" and "Boost" levels are below 10 O'clock, this
change is heard as a quicker and firmer attack with less softness. Because there is little compression at lower OD settings, you may have
difficulty hearing the subtle difference when using Comp-Cut....listen for the attack and more immediate transients.
FM Mode:(on the mini toggle) makes the “Overdrive Mode” (channel A) very transparent, with less Mids than “Vintage Mode,” and you’ll
notice that the FD2-Mos cleans up much better when your guitars’ volume knob is turned down as well. When in “FM Mode,” switching to
the Boost channel (channel B) gets you more midrange and offers more Distortion with a bit more high-end (frequency @5Khz)
Vintage Mode: this setting (on the mini-toggle) takes the “Overdrive Channel (channel A) back to the Midrange heavy beast it was in
the ‘90’s....You’ll hear more midrange. You may notice that the “Vintage Mode“ Boost channel (channel B) has a little Less treble (more
mids) than the “FM mode” Boost channel.
MOSFET Mode: this new Mode applies Mosfet Clipping, which has more bottom-end, more growl, and more aggressive attack &
overtones. In Mosfet mode you utilize Comp-Cut, FM, and Vintage Modes as well.