Model sb-2 – Fulltone SoulBender User Manual
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Tips for Germanium Transistor-powered pedals like your new Soul-Bender Sb-2:
*Heat can cause Germanium transistors to increase in gain dramatically and sound strange...keep out of direct sunlight if possible.
*Fuzz pedals like to receive High Impedance (straight from passive pickups) signal...they get thin and trebly sounding when preceded
by any Low Impedance non-true-bypass pedal such as most Tuners, all Boss or Ibanez pedals, and many other brands. If it sounds
strange, plug straight into the your SB-2 and to the amp, then add one thing at a time until you find the culprit
True Bypass switching: Your Sb-2 has via the best switch in the world…the Fulltone-made 3PDT footswitch. Those blue
switches you see in most booteek pedals are plastic. The plastic melts when they solder the terminals during the manufacturing
process, loosening the terminals, leading to a loss of connection down the road, more often than not. Fulltone 3PDT also uses a metal
plunger, which doesn’t flex and pop out of its socket inside like the Blue ones will do with just the right kick.
“Dirt” Knob: turn this Clockwise (CW) for more distortion, keep it below 10 0‘clock for cleaner sounds and for Overdriving your
favorite amp.
“Volume” Knob: This knob controls the amount of signal that exits the pedal. No brainer.
“Tone” Knob: This tone control is unusual. Unlike most tone controls which simply roll off the high end, the SB-2 REDUCES Treble
frequencies as you rotate the Tone Knob CW while simultaneously INCREASING Low-Mids & Bass! When you turn the Tone knob
CCW, it dramatically INCREASES treble while simultaneously REDUCING Bass & Low-Mids.
Recommended setting: My favorite Soul-Bender sounds are achieved with the following settings..
“Volume” around 12 noon, “Dirt” at about 4 O’clock, and “Tone” around 4 O’clock...for a rich, sustaining lead tone even if you’re using a
strat-type bridge pickup setting.
Battery Included: to access the battery remove all four Thumbscrews from the sides of the pedal and pull the housing apart.
Replace battery, put housing back together and re-tighten all four screws. Battery life should be VERY long being that the pedal only
draws around 8 milliamps of current! Always unplug guitar cable from the INPUT jack when not in use to (prolong battery life) EXCEPT
if you have a power adapter plugged in to the DC this case there is no need to unplug the guitar cable from the INPUT
because our DC outlet is True-Bypass and disconnects the battery supply line, thus keeping the battery fresh.
DC Power Options WARNING! You may only power this pedal with a 9 volt battery OR our Fulltone FPS-2, NO EXCEP-
TONS. Germanium Transistors require that you use a center-pin POSITIVE 9 volt powersupply, therefore you cannot use a standard
Boss, Ibanez, or even a Fulltone FPS-1 with Center-Pin/ Negative...only use a Fulltone FPS-2 or a Voodoo Labs PedalPower with
their REVERSED cable!
Fulltone products carry a 5 year warranty to the original owner with proof of purchase. The Warranty covers damage caused by
manufacturer errors only, and not any damage, mod, or repair done by anyone other than Fulltone without prior written consent!
Batteries are not covered by the warranty and Customer pays shipping in advance, and all warranty work must be preceded by a
phone call for scheduling and you must use our Return Authorization Form (RA Form) available via email. Fulltone Musical Products
Inc. is not responsible for injuries incurred while using our products nor any damage to other items related or non related to the use of
our products.
Fulltone Musical Products Inc.
11018 Washington Blvd. Culver City, CA 90232
repair contact: [email protected]
sales contact: [email protected]
Model SB-2