Fulltone, Clyde, Deluxe – Fulltone Clyde Deluxe Wah User Manual

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Michael Fuller / President
4220 Glencoe Ave.
Marina del Rey, CA 90292
310.821.4500 fax 821.4511
[email protected]






Fulltone "CLYDE"

wah is here!

Guitar Player Magazine review says: "....more pedal travel than the other wahs tested..........yields great complexity in
the middle experienced wah user's pedal!"

Guitar Shop review says: "the Clyde has the widest tonal range, the best tapered pot, the smoothest treadle action, and
offers the most control......preserving the alluring '60's tone while adding more flexibility for the '90's player, experience
it for yourself!"

The "Clyde" is born from taking the best of the best of my more than 25 pc. vintage Vox wah collection, and
analyzing every aspect... going so far as sacrificing a few of the vintage inductors to get it right. The problem with the
old (and other company's new) inductors is that they're generic industrial-grade cheapos that vary as much as 30% in
tolerance, some of my mediocre Vox's measured in at @360 mh. when they are supposed to be 500mh.

Our inductor.......available as a drop-in replacement for 90% of the wah's out there, is a tuned-core hand-made
unit....using EXACTLY the same type wire and inductance as the '60's era Vox, except VERY consistent from one
unit to the next. A Tuned-core inductor is much more expensive to make, but the end result is worth it....drop this
into your wah and watch out! ($29.95)

The circuitboard (also to be available as a drop in replacement (price $89) uses carbon composition resistors, and our
hand- wound "Tuned Core" inductor. The only change from the original Vox design is the addition of a very usable
internal "Resonance Control" which is a large, durable trimmer easily adjustable by hand without tools and with
room to mark your favorite settings. This board will drop right into most wah's without hassles.

The Potentiometer.......the most overlooked part of the circuit, is one of the keys to a good wah wah sound and there
hasn't been a proper "tapered" pot, since the '60's "Icar" in any major manufacturere's wah. This is one of the
reasons the '70's, '80's, and '90's wahs are so mediocre. We've made our own I call the Fullrange pot.....( available
10/97 as a drop-in replacement for you to put in your wah $27.95) with a major difference....... Ours has a double-
screened carbon-composition track giving a 500,000 turn lifespan instead of the standard industry 10,000.

I don't like the original Vox-type housings that everyone uses, and I had to design and produce one that made more
sense. The traditional housings don't give enough Potentiometer range limiting your tonal sweep, and they have little
compensation for tension or feel. The Fulltone "Clyde" uses our own custom-made 14 ga. welded steel pedal with
nylon pivot points and much more travel than the conventional Vox-style ones that everyone uses. It has nylok nuts so
you can adjust the tension of the treadle, and it stays that way until you change it. As with all Fulltone pedals, the
"Clyde" has true bypass switching so that when it's "off" it's not coloring your sound or ruining the performance of
other pedals in your signal chain. Unit has a tough steel bottom-plate with huge rubber feet and nickel-plated bolts.
Clyde also has a standard 2.1mm negative tip AC adapter port with anti-hum filtering and protection diode.

Michael Fuller/Fulltone