Advanced features, Tech corner – EZWatch EZBR-0519 User Manual
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with a single access point. If changing to client, make sure the BSSID
field is changed to all zero’s or else client will lose connection with the
AP after any reboot.
10. EXPANDING THE NETWORK: You can add additional EZ-
Bridge™ units or EZ-Go
Network Expansion units to link 3 or more
buildings together. We suggest maximum of 6 buildings and for better
performance, no more than 4. To add an EZ-Bridge™or EZ-Go
unit to
the existing EZ-Bridge network, you set the operating mode to WDS
and you program the remote units MAC address into the local units
WDS table and the local units MAC address into the remote units WDS
table. The WDS table is found under WDS SETTINGS from the main
menu after setting the device to WDS. The MAC address for each unit
is found on the STATUS page or can be found using the Discovery
Tool. When entering MAC’s you enter just the HEX characters without
the “:” (colon)
Advanced Features
The EZ-Bridge™ has many advanced features if more functionality is
desired. To access the advanced features, click on Advanced Web at
the top of the menu tree. This will activate the advanced menu options.
The EZ-Bridge™ can operate as Access Point, Client, WDS, AP+WDS,
Point to Point. Go to WIRELESS | BASIC SETTINGS to change wire-
less mode. Go to ETHERNET | IP SETTINGS to change network op-
eration mode from Bridge (default) to Router.
Since documentation for these advanced modes is too extensive to
cover here please retrieve the documentation online at
Additional Information you may find useful
RAIN, SNOW, ICE – The frequencies being used by the EZ-Bridge-
LT™ will not be affected by heavy rain or falling snow. You should not
see any performance degradation due to inclement weather. If snow or
ice collects on the front of the antenna, you may see some reduced per-
formance assuming you are shooting a long distance ( >2miles) and the
ice or snow buildup is greater than 1” thick on the surface of the an-
tenna. For this reason, we suggest mounting under an eave of a house
if feasible for your particular situation.