1 warnings, 2 cautions, N 1.1 – ElmoMC Power Supplies-TAM-20 User Manual

Page 7: Warnings, Cautions

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Tambourine 20 Power Supply Installation Guide

MAN-TAMIG (Ver. 1.501)



Table of Contents

1.1 Warnings

To avoid electric arcing and hazards to personnel and electrical contacts, never

connect/disconnect the Tambourine 20 power supply while the power source is on.

Disconnect the Tambourine 20 power supply from all voltage sources before it is opened for


The Tambourine 20 power supply contains grounding conduits for electric current protection.

Any disruption to these conduits may cause the instrument to become hot (live) and


After shutting off the power and removing the power source from your equipment, wait as

described in the tables below, before touching or disconnecting parts of the equipment that

are normally loaded with electrical charges (such as capacitors or contacts). It is recommended

to measure the electrical contact points with a DVM before touching the equipment.

T.P # Function




Discharge time with no load

VP+, VN-

~90 sec


Discharge time while the TAM is connected to Elmo

drive at MO=0

VP+, VN-

~80 sec


Discharge time with maximum load up to 20 A

VP+, VN-

~120 ms

Table 1: 230 VAC Model 1

T.P # Function




Discharge time with no load

VP+, VN-

~45 sec


Discharge time while the TAM is connected to Elmo

drive at MO=0

VP+, VN-

~40 sec


Discharge time with maximum load up to 20 A

VP+, VN-

~60 ms

Table 2: 480 VAC Model 2

1.2 Cautions

The Tambourine 20 power supply contains hot surfaces and electrically charged components

during operation.

The maximum AC/DC power supply connected to the instrument must comply with the

parameters outlined in this guide.

Before switching on the Tambourine 20 power supply, verify that all safety precautions have

been observed and that the installation procedures in this manual have been followed.