Using the timer – Eberspacher EasyStart Timer Quick Guide User Manual
Page 6

6 | VehiCLe heATeRs – TeChniCAL DOCuMenTATiOn
seTTing The DepARTuRe TiMe / sTART TiMe
use the
buttons to set the hours and confirm by pressing the
use the
buttons to set the minutes and confirm by pressing the
seLeCTing The OpeRATing MODe
use the
buttons to select the symbol or the symbol and confirm with the
seT TeMpeRATuRe seTpOinT – FOR AiR heATeRs OnLy
use the
buttons to set the temperature setpoint and confirm by pressing the
seT The heATing LeVeL – OnLy FOR WATeR heATeRs WiTh AuTOMATiC OpeRATing TiMe
use the
buttons to select the eCO heating level or the high heating level and con-
firm by pressing the
seTTing The OpeRATing TiMe
use the
buttons to set the operating time and confirm by pressing the
using The TiMeR