Introduction – Eberspacher EasyStart Timer Quick Guide User Manual
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2 | VehiCLe heATeRs – TeChniCAL DOCuMenTATiOn
please nOte!
This quick start guide gives a brief overview of selected user operations and timer functions.
however, it cannot replace the detailed operating instructions with its important explanations
and safety instructions.
The detailed operating instructions are available to view and download from
Basic ButtOn functiOns
press the
button to switch on the heater and to confirm actions.
press the
button to switch off the heater, to exit menu items and to end actions.
press the
buttons to select menu items and make settings.
“lOngpress” – the direct way
LOngpRess press
for longer than 2 seconds – heating mode is started immediately.
LOngpRess press
for longer than 2 seconds – All functions are ended.
Bitte Beachten!
ADD-On uniT menu item must be activated by the installation workshop.
The VenTiLATiOn menu item is only displayed if the heater supports this function.