Dovado GO User Manual

Page 28

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T h e M o b i l e C h o i c e f o r y o u r B r o a d b a n d I n t e r n e t

Reference Manual 7.1.5


© 2014 Dovado FZ-LLC

case of future manual resets of the router. To do this, go to Upgrade->Configurations page and
extract a backup configuration file.


My firmware upgrade seems to have failed and I cannot access my router

Download the latest version of the DOVADO Firmware Utility Upgrader for your router, and select
the Rescue tab to restore your router.


My computer claims to be connected to my DOVADO network, but I can't
reach/log onto the configuration page

The configuration page is reached through the routers IP address, which by default is
If this page returns an error start by doing a factory reset on the router by holding the reset button
for about 8 seconds and then wait for 2 minutes. If that doesn't do it, clear the cache in your web
browser. Also try disabling any antivirus, firewall or other security software as these can interfere
with accessing the interface.


I changed the settings for the WLAN and now some or all of my computers
or devices can't access it anymore

Most computers and devices remembers the settings for a WLAN by default, so that you don't have
to enter the passkey every time you connect to it. This is usually convenient but if you change the
passkey or remove the encryption altogether, the device will still try to connect with the old passkey.
You can change this manually but it is usually easier and faster just to "forget" the network and then
Instructions for doing this in Windows and Mac OS X are as follows.

Windows 7

1. Go to Control Panel -> Network and Internet -> Network and Sharing Center -> Manage

wireless networks.

2. Right click your WLAN in the list and choose Remove network.
3. Reconnect to the WLAN.

Windows XP

1. Go to Control Panel -> Network Connections and right click Wireless network connection and

choose Properties.

2. Go to the Wireless Networks tab and select your WLAN under Preferred networks and click


3. Reconnect to the WLAN.

Mac OS X

1. Go to System Preferences -> Network -> Airport -> Advanced
Select your WLAN in the list and click the minus sign to remove it.
3. Reconnect to the WLAN.


How do I connect my game console (XBOX, PS3, etc) to the Internet?

You may need to open ports for the online games to work, often just enabling UPnP which opens
ports automatically does the trick (LAN->UPnP).
If not, you will have to find out which ports and protocols are required and then see the Port
Forwarding page for instructions on how to set it up manually.


I have enabled the SMS functionality, but I still can't send/receive SMS

First make sure that the SMS functionality is supported by both the USB modem on our list, and
that the SIM card is activated by your operator for SMS traffic. The simplest way to know is to try