2 remote management, 3 network settings, 4 ntp – Dovado GO User Manual

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T h e M o b i l e C h o i c e f o r y o u r B r o a d b a n d I n t e r n e t

Reference Manual 7.1.5


© 2014 Dovado FZ-LLC

account and select only the API SMS. Apply all changes by clicking on the Save Settings button,
and applying a restart of the router.

Apply all changes by clicking on the Save Settings button, and applying a restart of the router.


Remote Management

The settings for enabling remote management of the router from another location.
Web Access Port: Select which port you would like to access the router interface page from the
Internet. The Standard port is port 80, which is the regular port for HTTP.

Example: Should you wish to access the settings on your router from elsewhere on the Internet,
simply open a browser, type in http://:.
For instance,

Status Bar: It possible to hide the status bar from being showed when connecting to the router
from remote location

Hostname lookup interval: Select how often a hostname entered in the Client Access List should
be updated. Frequent updates are needed if the IP-address behind the hostname changes often.

Allowed Clients: The router will only allow access for clients visible in the Client Access List. To
put a client in the list, enter the corresponding IP-address or Hostname (For instance
or in the Host/IP-field and click Add to list. Repeat the procedure in order to
grant more clients access. Access can be granted from anywhere on the Internet by marking "Any
Host" and pressing "Add to List".

Here you can give permission on which interfaces it is allowed to access the router. It is possible to
access the router on both the Direct and the PPTP interface

Show Mapping: Displays the router's view of IP-addresses associated with hostnames in the
"Client Access List".
All changes will take effect upon restart of the router


Network Settings

Here you can alter the MTU, MRU and ICMP for the Internet connection.

Network Settings
To alter the MTU & MRU values, disable the option "Let the router select safe settings" and
manually enter the MTU & MRU values. It might also be important to enable the MSS Clamping
once having altered the values. The router also contains certain templates that are operator
specific in cases where deviations are known.

ICMP Settings
If enabling "Drop Ping requests" the router will not respond to incoming ICMP packets such as ping



Dovado routers synchronize their clocks via NTP (Network Time Protocol) servers located out on
the Internet. The synchronization occurs upon each new connection with the Internet, be it the initial
(when powering up) or even during a redial while the router is on.

For the router to contain the accurate time zone, you may have to manually select your region/
country/city to make sure the router will be able to present you with the right time and date. By
making this selection, your router will automatically update itself whenever a time change occurs
throughout a year, depending on the time zone you’re in.

By default, the router will attempt to auto-detect the time zone when using a USB mobile broadband
modem as your primary form of Internet access. Should this fail, then select your location manually.