2 authentication, 3 mac address control – Dovado GO User Manual
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T h e M o b i l e C h o i c e f o r y o u r B r o a d b a n d I n t e r n e t
Menu System
© 2014 Dovado FZ-LLC
Data Rate drop-down menu is the setting for the transmission speed at the selected Wireless
Band. If you experience problems at high data rates, then we recommend that you select a lower
data rate.
SSID (Service Set Identifier): is the name of the router that will appear in other Wireless LAN
clients when they perform a network search.
Default value is DOVADO-XXXXX
Where XXXXX is a unique combination, your unique combination you can find on the silver sticker
at the battery hatch of the router
SSID Broadcast: enables or disables transmission of the SSID from the router.
When disabled, other Wireless LAN clients will not find the router when they perform a network
Fragment length: is a setting that affects the quality of the wireless transmissions. If you
experience a high packet error rate you can decrease this value in small steps to reduce this
problem. Setting the fragment length too low may result in poor performance.
Default value is 2346.
RTS length: is a setting that affects the quality of the wireless transmissions. If you experience
inconsistent data flow you can decrease this value in small steps to reduce this problem.
Default value is Off.
Wireless Radio: enables or disables the WLAN. If you do not use any Wireless LAN devices it is
recommended that you select disable.
Click on Save WLAN Settings and then Restart for the changes to take effect.
The encryption settings for your Wireless LAN.
Encryption is enabled by default in order to restrict access of wireless devices onto your private
network. To locate the name of your WLAN (SSID) along with the unique passkey, kindly look at
the silver label located at the battery hatch of your router.
There are three main types of encryption methods in the Authentication Type dropdown menu,
which are WPA1/WPA2-PSK, WEP Shared Key and WPA1/WPA2-Enterprise.
WPA-PSK is the most secure, and therefore the best recommended method. Choose it from the
Authentication Type drop-down menu and then enter a pass phrase between 8 and 63 characters.
The key is case sensitive. All Wireless LAN clients must use the exact same pass phrase in order
to access your network. The absolute securest setting is to use WPA2 together with AES ciphering;
however, older devices might not support it.
If you have a device that does not support WPA-PSK authentication, then select WEP Shared Key.
Choose a Key Type, either HEX or ASCII. Then choose Key Size; 64 bits (for HEX this is 10
characters and for ASCII 5 characters) or 128 bits (for HEX this is 26 characters and for ASCII 13
characters): the longer the key, the stronger the encryption. The key is case sensitive. You have
the possibility to define up to 4 different keys at once so that you can rotate keys in order to
randomize your security.
WPA1/WPA2-Enterprise is based on the strong WPA-PSK authentication. However, the
authentication is done on a RADIUS authentication server. For the router to negotiate with such a
server, the server's IP address, communication port and login password must be configured. Such
a solution is typically used in an enterprise environment.
Click on Save Authentication Settings and then Restart for the changes to take effect.
MAC Address Control
The settings for restricting access to your private network via white-listing of authorized clients.
MAC Address Control enables or disables the MAC address filtering on the MAC addresses under