2 status, 3 dns – Dovado PRO User Manual
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T h e M o b i l e C h o i c e f o r y o u r B r o a d b a n d I n t e r n e t
Reference Manual 7.1.5
© 2014 Dovado FZ-LLC
the Dovado Router.
Bridge Mode* (NAT disabled)
Bridge Mode will disable the NAT/routing functionality and allow you to connect any device to the
router's LAN port or WLAN interface. The device you connect to the router will get its IP address
directly from the mobile network.
In this mode, the router will be transformed into a converter between USB and LAN or WLAN. As it
will no longer retain any functionality dependent on IP, certain features such as Connection
Tracker, PPTP VPN and E-Mail Notifications will not be operational during use of Bridge Mode.
*Please check
To alter your router into a bridge, go to the Internet->Internet Connection page within the router
menu, and select either of two Bridge Modes. If you are not planning on using any specific WLAN
client, then use the "Bridging USB with LAN" option in order to avoid any associated issues that
may arise later on. Once the Bridge Mode has been applied, saved and restarted; the router will
indicate "CONNECTION: BRIDGE" when you log into the menu page again.
Here you can see the details on your current connections. There are 3 categories.
Modem which shows the modem information
Ethernet which shows the Ethernet WAN information
PPTP which shows the PPTP settings
If no data is available for the connection, then the data for that connection will be blank
Here you can alter the DNS (Domain Name System) settings in the router.
Dynamic DNS Server Settings:
In most cases, the operator which provides the internet service towards your router is handing out a
constantly-shifting (dynamic) IP address. The Dynamic DNS feature allows you to contact your
router via an easily accessible hostname, such as myrouter.mydyndns.com
The Following Dynamic DNS provider is supported
Other Dynamic DNS provider
The following information needs to be filled in
Profile Name The name of the Dynamic DNS profile
Service Provider Select which provider you want to use
Username The username to your Dynamic DNS provider
Password The password to your Dynamic DNS provider
Domain Name here you enter the Dynamic DNS name that you have registered. e.g
Interface Here you can select if you should use the direct IP interface (default) or use the
PPTP interface to update the dynamic DNS
Special note for freedns.afraid.org
Hash freedns.afraid.org does not use usernames, instead they use a private hash signature
Special note for Other Dynamic DNS provider
Service URL here you enter the URL to your Dynamic DNS provider that the router should use