3 modem, 1 modem status, 2 modem settings – Dovado PRO User Manual
Page 10: 3 ppp, 4 wan, Modem

T h e M o b i l e C h o i c e f o r y o u r B r o a d b a n d I n t e r n e t
Reference Manual 7.1.5
© 2014 Dovado FZ-LLC
or E- Mail for an updated total of your calendar month's data consumption. You can also specify
which kind of data to keep track of (downloaded only, or downloaded and uploaded; depending on
your mobile broadband subscription terms).
For more information, please visit
This submenu will provide you the means of checking the reception signal of your mobile
broadband, as well as configure/alter the settings of your mobile broadband Internet connection.
Modem Status
This page details your USB modem's radio signal with the corresponding mobile operator base
station. It will also display which network mode the router is connected to (4G, 3G or 2G). In
addition to which, exact details regarding which mobile operator your SIM card is registered to,
along with the USB modem's unique IMEI number, and the SIM card's unique IMSI number. This
information might be useful when dealing with your mobile operator's helpdesk.
Modem Settings
On the Modem->Modem Settings page, you will be able to insert all the valid inputs in order to
access the Internet via your mobile operator.
There are several relevant bits of information which are necessary in order to complete this task
APN (Access Point Name). If you are not sure what your mobile operator's APN is, please
contact them or check with your modem manual.
PIN code.This is your PIN code provided with your SIM card which resides in your USB modem.
Username & Password: Some operators may require you to insert a username and password
along with APN information in order to authenticate towards the mobile network. If you haven't
been provided with this, then using only an APN might be sufficient. If not, then please contact
your operator.
My L.I.M modem requires a username and password for its web admin pages
This setting is needed if your USB modem requires Username Password to access its GUI
Enable DMZ settings on ZTE modem to support Port Forwarding
This settings needs to be enable if you have a ZTE modem with WEB gui support and want to do
Modem On/Off Switch
If you enable the "Activate Modem On/Off Switch" then you will be able to control the power to the
USB modem using the Modem On/Off switch on the router.
Here you can alter the settings regarding your modem connection
Echo timeout The PPP echo timeout value, this value is normally 60 seconds
Echo count The PPP echo counter value, this value is normally 3 seconds
The Dovado routers can not only be used with mobile broadband they work also with Cable-
modems, ADSL-modems etc.To activate the WAN port you must first go to the tab Internet-
>Internet Connection and select WAN as Primary Connection.