Dovado PRO User Manual
Page 31

T h e M o b i l e C h o i c e f o r y o u r B r o a d b a n d I n t e r n e t
© 2014 Dovado FZ-LLC
1. Click on Start followed by Run and type in cmd.
2. Once the black command prompt is open, type in ping followed by Enter.
Mac OS X
1. Click on Finder in the dock.
2. Then click on Utilities in the Go menu.
3. Make then sure to double-click on Network Utility. In the Network Utility window, click on the Ping
tab. Enter the IP address in the provided field. Click on Ping.
I forgot my router's password or username for accessing the router
The default username and password for logging in to the router interface is "admin" and
"password", if you have changed it - tough luck! Nothing to do now but apply a factory reset, which
will wipe out all your settings. To do this, make sure your router is running and fully booted. Then
hold down the RESET button on the front of the router for about 7-10 seconds until the PWR
(power) lamp begins to flicker on the front of the router. At this point, you can release the RESET
button and wait approximately 2 minutes before logging in again. Make sure to write down your
password next time.
It is also advised that, once you have made your ideal configuration, you save it to your computer in
case of future manual resets of the router. To do this, go to Upgrade->Configurations page and
extract a backup configuration file.
My firmware upgrade seems to have failed and I cannot access my router
Download the latest version of the DOVADO Firmware Utility Upgrader for your router, and select
the Rescue tab to restore your router.
My computer claims to be connected to my DOVADO network, but I can't
reach/log onto the configuration page
The configuration page is reached through the routers IP address, which by default is
If this page returns an error start by doing a factory reset on the router by holding the reset button
for about 8 seconds and then wait for 2 minutes. If that doesn't do it, clear the cache in your web
browser. Also try disabling any antivirus, firewall or other security software as these can interfere
with accessing the interface.
I changed the settings for the WLAN and now some or all of my computers
or devices can't access it anymore
Most computers and devices remembers the settings for a WLAN by default, so that you don't have
to enter the passkey every time you connect to it. This is usually convenient but if you change the
passkey or remove the encryption altogether, the device will still try to connect with the old passkey.
You can change this manually but it is usually easier and faster just to "forget" the network and then
Instructions for doing this in Windows and Mac OS X are as follows.
Windows 7
1. Go to Control Panel -> Network and Internet -> Network and Sharing Center -> Manage
wireless networks.
2. Right click your WLAN in the list and choose Remove network.
3. Reconnect to the WLAN.
Windows XP