DATOptic Dual Internal FireWire Kit User Manual

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Installing the DatOptic 1394 PCI host adapter

1) Turn off your computer, pull out the power cable and open up your computer.

2) Look for an available PCI slot and install the 1394 PCI host adapter into the

available slot.

3) Leave your computer open, plug in the power cable and turn on your

computer. Windows will boot up and detect the 1394 PCI FireWire adapter. If

you are using Windows98SE, you will need to download the Windows 98SE

FireWire patch. Windows ME/2000/XP may ask for your setup disk. After

Windows has detected the 1394 PCI FireWire adapter, power down your

computer and unplug the power cord. (Windows XP users must make sure

that your Windows XP version supports FireWire .)

Installing the DatOptic Dual FireWire Kit

1) Connect the DatOptic Dual FireWire Internal Kit into the first IDE device and

set the jumper to



2) Connect the IDE cable into the second IDE device and set the jumper to



3) Connect the 12 volt power cable that is connected into the Dual FireWire Kit

into the first IDE device.

4) Connect 2 spare 12 volt power cables from your power supply into the 12 volt

power connector on the first drive and another 12 volt power cable to your

second drive.

5) Connect the FireWire cable to any of the 2 ports from the DatOptic FireWire

Kit and the other end of the FireWire cable to your 1394 host adapter.

8) Plug in your computer power cable and power on your computer.

9) As soon as Windows has finished loading, go into your “Device Manager”,

double-click “DVD/CD-ROM drives” (if installing to CDROM/DVDROM), you

will see 2 additional lines. The first line will read “DatOptic FireWire Device” and

the second line will read “UNKNOWN VENDOR AND MODEL IEEE 1394 SBP2


If you are installing the Dual FireWire Kit onto 2 hard drives, you will see this

in your Device Manager under “Disk drives”.

10) Close up your computer case.