Download type, Port, Baud rate – Dascom MIP480 Flash Utility Operation Manual User Manual

Page 3: Parity bit, Stop bit, Data bit, Data flow, Pin code, Friendly name, Browse

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Flash Utility Operation Manual V1.0

Page 3 of 4


Download Type

Determine the download types of the program (Main Firmware), IPL Firmware or the type of CG
Font. Further you can select Pin Code and Friendly Name


Determine the Parallel and Serial communication port, which is used for data transfer.

Baud rate

Determine the baud rate of the serial communication transfer
Disabled if parallel port is selected

Parity Bit

Determine the parity bit of the serial communication transfer (No parity, Odd/Even Parity)

Disabled if parallel port is selected

Stop Bit

Specifies the number of stop bits to be used. (1 or 2)
Disabled if parallel port is selected

Data Bit

(Fixed) Specifies the number of bits in a byte to be sent and received, the value is set to be 8.
Disabled if parallel port is selected

Data Flow

Enables the DTR (Data Terminal Ready) line when the device is opened and leaves it on.
The DSR (data-set-ready) signal is monitored for output flow control

Pin Code

Choose an unique key (e.g. 1234 or !3Uu, or whatever)
Use this key to establish a pair wise connection to the host
Pin code is mandatory with Microsoft /Intel BT stacks

Friendly Name

Choose a name which easily can be remembered and describes the task of the printer
Do this before you connect to the host


Browses for the download file, which is going to be flashed into the printer. Prior to pressing this
button, the download type must be selected first.

Flash Now

Validate the download configuration and starts flashing.