Comark N9005 User Manual
Page 10

9.4 Type – the display will show ‘tYPE’
Use either the countdown timer button or the hold
button to scroll between thermistor sensors plus either
type T or K thermocouples. The default is thermistor
and type T, with the latter for probes with brown or blue
leads. Thermistor and type K is available for probes
with either red or green leads.
9.5 High Alarm – the display will show ‘HIAL’
Use the countdown button and the hold button to select
high alarm on or off. Use the hold and countdown timer
buttons to scroll up or down in degrees C or F to the
limits of the chosen thermocouple type.
9.5 Low Alarm – the display will show ‘LOAL’
Use the countdown button and the hold button to select
low alarm on or off. Use the hold and countdown timer
buttons to scroll up or down in degrees C or F to the
limits of the chosen thermocouple type.
9.7 Auto Power OFF – the display will show ‘AOFF’
Use the countdown timer button and the hold button
to scroll between the available options of 3, 10, 30
9.8 Clock Alarms
Use the countdown button and the hold button to select
clock alarm 1, on or off. Use hold and countdown timer
buttons to set the alarm time -
12 hour clock. Repeat for alarms 2 and 3.
9.9 Resolution
Use the countdown and the hold button to select or
deselect temperature display in high resolution 0.1° or
low resolution 1°.