chiliGREEN D620S U User Manual
Page 195

G - 6
puter are LEDs.
load - To copy a program from some source, such as a disk or tape,
into memory for execution.
Lithium-Ion battery - A type of battery which is ideal for notebook
computers because of its light weight and high energy density. Also,
lithium-ion batteries do not use poisonous metals, such as lead, mer-
cury or cadmium.
MB (Megabyte) - 1,048,576 bytes or 1024 KB
memory - Area in the computer where information is stored on
chips, an example is RAM.
MHz - One MHz represents one million cycles per second. The
speed of microprocessors, called the clock speed, is measured in
MMX - A type of microprocessor that can handle many common
multimedia operations that are normally handled by a separate sound
or video card.
mode - An operational state that a system has been switched to.
modem (modulate-demodulate) - A device that adapts a computer to
a telephone line by converting the computer’s digital pulses into au-
dio frequencies for the telephone when sending. And the reverse