Placement – Cambridge SoundWorks P500 Subwoofer User Manual
Page 7
The subwoofer enclosure should be placed on the
floor. Its location in the room affects its output. The out-
put increases the closer the subwoofer is placed to the
intersection of walls and floors (see diagrams).
Some Advantages Of Corner Placement:
Placing a
subwoofer in or near the corner of a room increases its
maximum output. Corner placement also provides the
most consistent output from deep bass to upper bass.
Since corner placement “forces” more of the bass
energy toward the center of the room, you can operate
the subwoofer at a lower overall gain setting than if it
was in the middle of a wall. This reduces the amount
of bass someone in a nearby room will hear.
Other locations:
Any position in a room can be used,
but a position away from the intersection of two room
surfaces will both reduce the maxiumn output of the
subwoofer and make the output from deep bass to
upper bass less even.
For most places in a room, the orientation of the sub-
woofer is not critical. If you place the subwoofer direct-
ly in a corner, you may find that “diagonal” placement
(the grille panels forming a 45 degree angle with both
side walls) reduces wall-shaking.
We realize many “real world” factors affect where you
choose to place a subwoofer and corner placment
may not be practical. The highly flexible controls on
the Control Module allow you to effectively compen-
sate for uneven output due to placement.
Maxium Bass Output
Moderate Bass Output
Least Bass Output
Because the subwoofer enclosure panel
requires adequate ventilation, do not
place it inside a wall unit or any piece of
furniture. Also, don’t place it near heat
sources or against furniture, draperies or other materi-
al that will block the free flow of air around the from
underneath the subwoofer.